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와.. ^^ 6 월 8 일 이구나... !! 2010-06-08 오전 3:12:18
시간은 정말 빠르죠..?!
돌이키려고해도 돌이킬수없고 붙잡으려해도 붙잡을 수 없는게 시간이라는데..^^
그렇게 소중한 우리들의 시간이 5년이 훌쩍 흘렀어요..하하!!
정말 .. 고맙다는 말밖에.. 드릴말이 없어요..
많은 사랑받은만큼...이제는 우리가..내가 돌려줘야 할때인데..
처음만난날 기억나요?..
일산이었죠..헤.. 무대위에서 우리 다섯명.. 정말 긴장도 많이하고
설레임도 많고.. 실수도있었지만..너무나도 행복했던 출발이었죠..^^
나 김규종이란 사람. 아이돌이라는 가수가 꿈이어서.
이 꿈 이루고싶어서.. 중학생때부터 여기저기 오디션도 보러다니고..^^
그러다가 지금 우리 멤버들만나서 함께 연습도하고..무대도 서게되고..
꿈만같던 시간들이었어요..^^ 시간이 지나면 오늘도 정말 많이 기억나겠죠?..
늘 좋은 모습만 보여드리고싶고 누구보다 멋진모습보여드리고싶은데..
아직도 많이 부족한 점도 많고..^^ 노력해야할것도 많은거 잘알아요.
이런 저 그리고 이런 우리 오공돌이 많이 사랑해주신거 정말로 감사드려요.
어느덧.. 5년이란 시간이 훌쩍지나서.. 방송국에 가도 이제 막내가 아니더라구요..ㅎㅎ
신기해요..^^ 시간이 흐르다보니까..우리 이쁜이들도..
학년도 올라가고..졸업도하고..취직도 하고.. 곧 결혼한다는 분도 있고..^^
너무 기분좋아요! 좋은 소식만 들으니까..^^ 앞으로도
공부 열심히 일 열심히 그리고 좋은사람만나서 결혼도 잘하구..그랬으면 좋겠어요!
이쁜이들이 좋은 소식 전해줄때가..기분 가장 좋아요..^^ 히..
하고싶은말도 많고 해주고싶은 말도 많은데..어이쿠 뭐라고 글을 써야할지 모르겠어요..
그냥 고맙고..미안하다는 말밖에는 ..
정말 고마워요 ^^ ㅎㅎ 예쁜 완두콩..너무나도 예쁜 완두콩..^^
기쁜날.. 우리 다같이 축하해요!!
헤헤!! 자야겠다~~ 내일 스케줄 나가려면 자야겠어요 !!^^
ㅎ 잘자요..이쁜이들..
고마워요. 정말 고마워요.. 이렇게 컴퓨터로 고맙다는 말 표현해서 미안해요..^^;
Credit: DSP Media + (Eng Trans) SS501fighting.wordpress.com
Please repost with full credit.
Time is passing really fast ..?!
In order to turn round, there is not a possibility of turning round and in order to capture there is not a possibility of capturing is what we called time. ^^
5 years of our time is so precious.. Flowed with just a jump… Haha!
Really .. saying thank you … don’t want to say anymore…
Received as much love … .. when I’m .. now I have to return ..
^ ^ .. Well!!
I remember that first date, do you? ..
Was intense day …hae…The five of us on stage .. It is a lot of tension
A lot of excitement .. Although also had mistakes .. was so happy afterward .. ^ ^
Really ..
People with me Kim Kyu Jong .. Idol dreams of being a singer.
In order for want to achieve this dream .. here and there audition to see, comes and goes since being a junior high school student ^^
Then I have meet the members to practice together .. become standing on stage..
Million hours worked on that seemed like a dream .. ^ ^ also after time will be in the memory until today really a lot?
I always want to show a better, more than anyone .. I want to show the public
still lack a lot too many .. ^ ^ I know well that also a lot of things must endeavor
I’d really appreciate you’re on lots of love for me and us 501 …
Slip .. Past five years is falling in time .. when goes to the broadcasting station, I am not the youngest anymore … haha
It’s amazing .. ^ ^ I saw the time passes.. my sweetie, too ..
School year ascends.. And graduation .. And finding a job .. then may to get married soon…^^
I will be Feeling good! when I hear the good news .. ^ ^ Also in the future
Work hard, study hard to be good to meet and marry a great one .. Like that good!
When our pretties tell me the good news is gorgeous .. Feeling is best.. ^ ^ Hee ..
There is lots of things I want to say.. there are also many favor I wants to do… Gosh I do not know what I’ll be writing ..
I just thank .. Feel you .. sorry for that
Thank you very much ^ ^Hee Hee .. pretty peas .. Peas so pretty .. ^ ^
Happy day .. We’re celebrating together!
Hehe! ! Go to sleep ~I’ll sleep still have schedule to go tomorrow!! ^ ^
Hee, good night .. Beauties ..
Thank you. Thank you so much .. Sorry to express my thanks only through the computer ..^^;
Thank you so much ..!
Credit: DSP Media + 베이비생 @ss601.com + (Eng Trans) ss501fighting.wordpress.com
Please repost with full credit. Do not re-edit or hotlink graphic.
I finished late in the schedule so I’m late eating rice… I’m sorry .. ^ ^[Kyu Jong]
Goodnight..^^ Thank you ,..!!!! [Kyu Jong]
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