Friday, January 1, 2010

[Message] 2010 First Message from SS501 Park Jung Min

Woah, 1st message of a brand new year from Jung Min!! So boys, where are you now?!! Haha.. no translation of the message yet.. will update if I found it.

*EDIT* Both Chinese & English translation are out!
(Opps, I replaced the Chinese version with a newer one to match the translation here :p )

Credit : DSP Media + (Chinese Translation ) xinhm + (English Translation) finkle @liezle's blog
Please repost with full credit.

Wa... the website has changed drastically, was shocked when I logged in!
Looks like a certain brand picture besides my leg? Or is it called a logo? Makes me tempted.. ahah
But it is better to say, that is not a certain L brand, but a certain M stationery.
Because I am not a branded person
(Right, request to amend my resume, I am a student dreaming of managing a hotel.. ahah)
Must change my motto for this year to ‘the globe revolving around Park Jung Min at the centre... ahah
Seemed to have grown taller by a bit, weight has also increased, used milk powder and Korean medicine to fatten up
This is em em... the incident during the ‘everything’ period
(finkle : no idea what he means)

No matter what..
The new year is here,
The shy/ greenhorn 19 year old Jung Min
Has become the 24 year old youth.
Everyone has grown together, right?
Or.. em... (finkle : sorry don’t know how to translate this part) ...

No... how to say it? The time that has passed? Let’s leave it as that.
The 5 years that was spent together with us... it’s been hard....
Together this year as well.. aza aza (hwaiting)!
The wishes that everyone want to fulfil this year...
If you want to fulfil them you must take action, and work hard.. ^ ^
(Wish for dreams to come true ~~ I will not say such things! Ahah)
Think it is impossible, cannot just know to whine and complain ~~! Surely have some people like that ~~~
Also, let’s make this year be a year to take on challenges! Will work hard.
The members’ hearts are together, let everyone see a more united group this year.
Even if cannot, even if have to force, we will do it!
Ay ay.. I must do my part first.. ahah
The things that I want to do this year ~~ will complete them even if I have to die trying
Everyone also fighting. ^ ^
This year 501 will spread its wings ~~
SS501 is taking off!
Oh? Looks like...
I am the first one to post in the new year...
The other guys that did not provide fan service... ahah
Want to post simultaneously with the bell. *heart beeping sound
Not much time left~
Ah ..............................


標題 : 祝大家新年快乐~
(哇唔~网页大变样了 , 进来吓了一跳!! 腿部这是防品牌的么 ? 是LOGO ?让我兴奋 呵呵. 不要误解 , 不是 L品牌,是文具店M牌子 . 我不是名牌男)
(对了, 要求把学历改正一下 . 我是梦想酒店经营的学徒.呵呵)
(座右铭今年也要改了是地球以朴政珉为中心转 ...呵呵)
(个子似乎也长了一点 , 体重也增加了...用奶粉和韩药增肥 .. 这是 恩恩 ...everything时期的事情了 ...)

不管咋说 哼哼 !!!
新年到底到来了 .
大家也一起在成长是吧 ?
或者 恩 ... N H ?? 不是 ...恩...怎么说? 一起走过来的 ...就这么说了.呵呵
和我们一起度过的五年 ...辛苦了,
还要一起度过的今年让我们加油 !
今年呢大家有什么愿望 ...
有愿望千万要实现 , 努力哦..^^
(祈祷能够实现 ~~ 这句话我就不说了 .!呵呵)
不能抱怨说不行 ~~! 总是有这样的人 ~~
今年希望是挑战的一年 ...! 我会努力的.
队员们会齐心会给大家看到合一的面貌 .
如果不成的话硬拽也要 ... 一定会这样做的^^
哎哎...我自己首先要做好 ...呵呵
我今年呢想做的事情 ~~就算粉身碎骨也要去完成它 .
今年501会展开翅膀 ~~
SS501 ~要离陆了 !
哦? 这样看来 ...
新年第一个留言的是我了 ??噗...
真是些对粉丝招待不周的家伙们 ...呵呵呵
钟响的同时要发这个贴了 . 扑通扑通 ...
时间没剩多少哦 ~



[정민]새해 福 많이 받으세요~ (2010-01-01 오전 12:00:07)

(와우~홈페이지가 변신을 했네요, 들어와서 깜짝!!
다리근처에는 유명브랜드의 닮은꼴 임팩트랄까? 로고랄까?가 절 설레게 하네요ㅋㅋ
혹시나 해서 말씀드리지만, 명품 L브랜드가 아니고, 문구점 M브랜드입니다. 전 된장남이 아니니까요)
(참, 학력 수정요구합니다. 저 호텔경영을 꿈꾸는 학도입니다.ㅋㅋ)
(좌우명도 올해부터는 지구는 박정민 중심으로 돌아간다.로 바꾸겠습니다...ㅋㅋ)
(키도 살짝 자란듯도 하고, 몸무게도 늘었어요...분유와 한약으로 살찌우기 작전피우다.. 이게 어언...에브리팅의 시절이야기네요...)

암튼 흠흠!!!
드디어 새해가 찾아왔습니다.
19살 풋풋하던 정민이가
24살 청년이 되었습니다.
여러분들도 같이 성장하신 것?
혹은 음...ㄴㅎ?? 아냐...음...뭐랄까? 지내오신것이라고 할까...하겠습니다.ㅎㅎ
저희들과 함께한 5년...수고하셨고,
그리고 함께할 올해도 아자아자 입니다!
올해는 여러분이 이루고 싶은 소망...
이루고 싶으면 제발 좀 실천하시고, 노력하세요..^^
(이뤄지길 빌께요~~라는 말은 안하겠습니다.!ㅋㅋ)
안된다고 불평불만만 하시면 안됩니다~~! 그런 사람 꼭 있더라~~
그리고 올해에는 도전하는 한해가 되도록...! 노력하겠습니다.
멤버들 모두 마음 모아서 올해에는 더 하나가 되는 모습 보여드릴께요.
안되면 후려잡아서라도... 꼭 그럴께요^^
에잇...저나 잘할께요...ㅋㅋ
저도 올해에는 하고싶은일 다~~할 수 있도록 몸 부숴가며 하게씸당.
여러분들도 화이팅..^^
올해 오공일 날개 펼께요~~
어라? 그러고 보니...
새해 첫 글은 저 인가요??풋...
팬서비스도 모자란 것들...ㅋㅋㅋ
종소리와 함께 올리렵니다. 두근두근...

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