Monday, January 4, 2010

Hmm... where are our boys and what are they doing now?

Ahh.. it's been rather quiet on the front over the past week.. everyone must have been wondering where are our boys now right? Oh well, can someone just drop by and check out DSP studio now to see if they are there? LOL..

Based on my PERSONAL DEDUCTION (if you don't understand what it means, please go check the dictionary, ask around or just ignore this post), I believe the boys are busy with the recording and preparation of their new Korean album and there might be some surprises in-store for us. Why? Firstly, we know that the boys have promised a new album release in the 1st half of this year and yes, we have been looking forward to it since then! Next, I remember reading somewhere before that they are keen to break into the Mandarin music scene (I will try to find that piece of news and put it up here). Moreover, they are contracted under Taiwan's Warner Music for all their album activities in the Chinese arena and so it might be possible for their dream to turn reality (psst.. sidetrack, see SS501 teaching their 'senior' Jam Hsiao (蕭敬騰) on the dance steps of LaLaLa.. A Song Calling For You HERE).

So I was thinking that the boys could have been in China for the collections of suitable songs and brushing up on their Chinese pronounciation (we can be very sure that they were somewhere in China during the past week as revealed from their New Year's messages but DSP has kept their movements and schedule like TOP CONFIDENTIAL). Else not, what on earth are the boys SECRETIVELY doing in a faraway land from home during this festive season? Holidays? (no, Leader mentioned that they were scheduled to be in China) Filming? (maybe another DVD collection??) And somehow, there seems to be a lack of activities for this month. Cannot find anything else on Internet and DSP did not or maybe has not updated the schedule board on their homepage. It is getting wierd and mysterious, don't you think so?

Could we be expecting just a new Korean album, Korean-Chinese combination or full Chinese album?! Ahh, that I don't know. Haha. But I heard some "news" that there are some developments regarding Persona Singapore & Malaysia (oohhh.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this!!) BUT nothing is confirmed yet so please don't quote me!

As for the final two concerts at Bangkok and Seoul, I don't think I would be able to make it because the former falls on Chinese New Year's Eve aka family reunion dinner (although I am not supposed to celebrate CNY this year, I still need to be around for the dinner) and the latter is so expensive (sigh, I got to set the money aside for my Taiwan trip)!! I believe the new songs would be revealed at Persona Seoul Encore concerts (2 consecutive nights), just like the first Persona Seoul!! I want to be there to hear it LIVE first!!! Awww!! *bonker* Okay, okay. I shall calm down and go fish for our boys' stuffs now. ^^

P/S: I'm going to emphasize this again ~ all above written is purely (and innocently, haha) based on my personal views. You can choose to agree or disagree with me but I'm not liable for any distortion of information on your end. Got it? :p

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